logo_mederos_800x400Quality has history. Since the early 1800s, Mederos Family was rolling magnificent cigars. Due to the Cuban Revolution a lot of documentation was lost or kept from being distributed but thanks to the Perelman’s Pocket Cyclopedia of Havana Cigars: 3rd edition explains how new brands were been introduced almost continuously since 1810 estimated that as many as 800 brands were in circulation by 1859 and we were one of them shown within 1,726 now-discontinued export brands which were produced in Cuba between 1810 and the nationalization of the tobacco industry in September 1960. Most of the names came from three important sources:


1. Ensayo de un Catalogo Universal de Marcas de Cigarros, by Isidro Sureda (Barcelona:I. Sureda, 1951).
2. The directory of cigar manufacturers inscribed in the 1940 edition of the “Registry of Exporting Manufacturers” of the National Commission for Propaganda and Defense of Havana Tobacco. This was the Cuban government’s official list of every licensed manufacturer of cigars for export, just before the Second World War came to the Americas. Organized by company, this snapshot of the halcyon days of the Cuban cigar industry is reproduced for your enjoyment in section 4.02.
3. Enzo Infante’s excellent history of the pre-nationalization Havana cigar industry, Havana Cigars 1817-1960 (Neptune City, N.J.: T.F.H. Publications, 1997).
We have many ways that we can remember and discuss our history. Just as there are many families in the premium tobacco industry that have ties to the homeland of  Cuba we all try to cherish our values and traditions. The Mederos family has these wonderful qualities and is bringing them into your humidor. Can you imagine excellence and elegance in the same sentence? With Mederos you can.
Whether you’re discussing business or purely for personal relaxation, a Mederos Cigar will fully satisfy your needs. Mederos is second to none and coming from Cuban seed and grown in Esteli, Nicaragua, we have what everyone wants… try us and you will not be disappointed.